Welcome to OfftheGround Design!
I'm a Product Designer passionate about solving real-world problems.
I'm a Product Designer passionate about solving real-world problems.
A small room. Lights dimmed. Slides on a screen. The problem wasn't glamorous: packaging and waste in the shipping industry. The first time I saw a Product Design review, it was at the Stanford D-School loft.
Presenters got feedback on the customers, the needs, the technical and manufacturing challenges, the MVP. The design review was routine for the audience. But it represented something very bold to me. The attitude of people in the room presumed a dynamic and evolving world, a different reality than I was familiar with.

I grew up in the former Soviet Union. There was little room for curiosity, for an individual to question the status quo or to take an initiative. The government took care of things. People were put into slots and stayed there for life. Most of my family were engineers. They valued diligence and technical proficiency. When I came to the US, I was looking for more.
At the D-School loft that day I saw people who asked questions. They took risks and saw possibilities. They acquired whatever skills necessary for the project. And through the power of creativity and perseverance they learned by doing and made tangible progress. I’m still energized by that experience. It still guides me.
What I do after work
I love a game of chess, bicycling up to Foothills park, and sometimes making public art.
I love a game of chess, bicycling up to Foothills park, and sometimes making public art.