Lifelock Redesign
How might we help customers feel safe and confident, knowing that they are protected if the worst should happen?
Business Objective:  Improve the opinion of customers who have signed up for Lifelock's service. Encourage the customers to stay subscribed. (Customers were signing up in response to advertisements but canceled their subscription shortly after because they didn’t see the value of the service.)
My Role:  I led the core member experience team. We did end-to-end user research and found that customers were unclear on what they were getting for their money. We created experience that educates customers about the risks they face and about how Lifelock is vital in the case of an emergency, both as an insurance service and as a tracking mechanism.
Results:  Did end-to-end user research and found that customers were unclear on what they were getting for their money. Created experience that educates customers about the risks they face and about how Lifelock is vital in the case of an emergency, both as an insurance service and as a tracking mechanism. Recommended a partnership with secure software companies like Symantec. Improved engagement and a better net promoter score.
Lifelock customers are leaving.
Lifelock is losing customers. It's 6-7 times more expensive for Lifelock to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a current customer, and 80% of LifeLock’s future profits are expected to come from just 20% of its existing customers. So when existing customers start leaving, the business is in big trouble.​​​​​​​
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS:  When Lifelock started, it was the only company offering identity theft protection services. They sent customers alerts and notifications when their identity was used to do unexpected activity (even when the customers themselves had been the ones doing it). They also provided support for customers whose identity had actually been stolen and helped them restore their identity quickly so that they could get back to their lives. But time had passed and now they had a lot of competitors offering similar and in some cases better services. Lifelock’s customers were no longer convinced. 
LOYALTY AND SATISFACTION:  We talked to Lifelock stakeholders about customer satisfaction and the business challenges along the customer journey. We also collaborated with customer support to understand the problems they were seeing: from the onboarding chat to the conversation about whether they would recommend it to their friends and when the customers are ready to cancel their subscription.
SUCCESS METRICS: The net promoter score and other business goals to steer the customer research
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS: Value is questioned
The customers are leaving because they don't see the value in the service.
TARGET CUSTOMER:  Based on conversations with the stakeholders and previously conducted research our target customers are people who have money/assets/family that they want to protect from hackers. They feel responsible for keeping everyone safe and don’t want to worry about using social media, shopping and browsing the Internet.​​​​​​​
USABILITY TEST:  We recruited from different ages, geographical locations and occupations to get a range of responses. We asked them to role-play a set of scenarios.
The test started with a potential customer looking for identity protection on Google. They heard something about compromised identities in the news or from friends.
They saw their options and evaluated the competition. They looked at other companies and settled on Lifelock. They gave us a quick first impression.
Then they figure out which plan they wanted to choose.
Next they tried to sign up. They let us know what they were seeing and how it resonated as they went through their first time experience.
WHAT WE LEARNED:  Interestingly, the feedback was fairly consistent across the different demographics. We created a report with marketing, conversion, and onboarding/product recommendations that were communicated to the executives, product and marketing teams.
We found that we were losing a lot of people at the point of decision making about which plan to choose.

At the point of setup some new customers were reluctant to share their personal information.
People said that they did not see the value of what was promised to them in the Lifelock dashboard and navigation. 
KEY INSIGHT: The customers are very interested to learn more about their identity risk and what they can do to protect themselves. Their expectations, however, are not being met by the Lifelock services that were presented to them.
CUSTOMER JOURNEY:  Our goal is to have the prospect sign up to LifeLock and have a good first time experience. For the customer this is a step-by-step “learn more / buy now” experience where we discovered a lot of problems and opportunities that resulted from product and marketing teams not working closely together to solve this larger problem.
Advertising and marketing should get the prospect’s attention and set expectations for what the service is and why it’s worth buying. Our research showed that this part of the customer engagement funnel was still effective. 
Then we need to make it easy for them to make a decision about which level of service would be relevant to their needs.
Once the prospect signs up for Lifelock the onboarding has to meet those expectations.
B2C EVALUATION: We need to improve consumer satisfaction
TARGET CUSTOMER: Responsible delegator 
KEY INSIGHT: I want to see the value
CUSTOMER JOURNEY: conversion, first time experience, education
Rebranding LifeLock Subscription as LifeLock Membership Service gives customers a sense of ownership and agency.
DESIGN THINKING WORKSHOP: Our research made it clear that marketing, product and e-commerce teams needed to collaborate more closely to solve the conversion and engagement funnel problems. This collaboration made it possible for us to create customer experience that would be consistent and rewarding. ​​​​​​​
CUSTOMERS WANT TO BE MORE THAN PASSIVE SUBSCRIBERS:  In its original form, Lifelock was a subscription service that gave customers access to anti-identity theft features. This conception of the service placed the customers in a passive role - it assumed that people would want to just pay for the service and then not think about it. But our research had shown that Lifelock’s customers were very interested in what LifeLock was offering and they wanted to be partners in the process, not passengers. Because the emotional component was important, we wanted to make the service more personal and reinforce the idea of becoming a part of something bigger--a movement against the dark web.​​​​​​​
LIFELOCK HAS YOUR BACK: We had the product but the perception was not there. 
We wanted to show to new customers that when you join LifeLock you may rest assured that if you’re hacked, Lifelock will help you get back on your feet and restore your identity in a few days rather than years and also pay you back any of the money that you may have lost in the process. 
SET UP AND ONBOARDING: Help customers to learn from the start about the dark web and the value that Lifelock provides. Choose the type of engagement based on their needs, personality type and preferences. Help visualize the customer situation with examples from how it works for “People like us” in similar situations. Customer education contributes to long-term customer satisfaction--measured at 30, 60 and 90 days. 
REBRANDING: Change subscription to Lifelock Membership 
TURN ON: Unlock “best in class” identity protection
TRACK: Anticipate problems before they become problems
Allowing customers to set up their membership based on their preferences gives them the best protection for their needs.
Compare Lifelock to other services and choose the right type of coverage for you.
Visualize how your Lifelock membership protects your identity. 
Track your credit score and financial activity with identity risk related notifications and alerts.
Educate yourself about hacking and safe behavior and follow the best practices.

ONBOARDING & SETUP LOW FIDELITY FLOWS: If you give us some information we're going to be able to protect you much better. Set up your membership according to your situation and preferences to track your identity on the dark web/tools that will keep you safe.

JOBS TO DO: Storyboards
STATUS: Dashboard with specifications
: Color coded system

A color coded identity management system creates an engaging conversation and offers tools to add extra layers of protection: There’s always more to learn and to do.
AN ENGAGING CONVERSATION— WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING IS ENOUGH: You're okay and covered automatically. Make Lifelock communication feel satisfying; easy to feel protected. 
LIFELOCK TOOLS TO ADD EXTRA LAYERS OF PROTECTION. Because if you want to reduce the risk — look deeper into your status or add extra layers of protection.
INSPIRATION: Branded experience, design system and design principles
RESPONSIVE DESIGN for laptops and mobile devices
Doing more research and creating new products to improve security and satisfaction
Doing more research and creating new products to improve security and satisfaction
Develop a consistent design system that carried the brand and 
Design principles that support the trust, confidence and customer loyalty/NPS success metrics.
We raise the success metrics by improving information architecture, the flows in the design system. Develop new content to help them visualize the value of Lifelock so that they would continue to subscribe and be protected as Lifelock members.We came up with
Education contributes to long-term customer satisfaction. Measured at 30, 60 and 90 days.
What other research had been done and how it can inform our decisions?
NEW CORRELATIONS: the relevant dark web data—to be aware of precise and I suggested that these are stories. We want to connect to people.
SURVEYS: in context and by email
SHARED RESEARCH: and coordinated the scripts
. We have learned from customer service and retention specialists.

Lifelock—Identity Risk Management Redesign

LIFELOCK CASE STUDY: How to redesign a B2C core service to improve customer loyalty and satisfaction.
1. EVALUATE: Conduct usability and marketing research to test new customer experience, from initial search through onboarding and first-time experience.
2. PLAN:  Develop recommendations on how to address problems and take advantage of opportunities using a customer journey and service model.
3. EXECUTE:  Define and test a new identity risk management platform that helps to visualize threats and explains what happens when things go wrong and how Lifelock can help.
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